Khắc phục sự cố: LinkedIn or Facebook Share Image Not Updating

Khi copy link của website và share trên Linked-in hoặc Facebook nhưng hình thumbnail không đúng.
Các bạn làm theo bài hướng dẫn sau. Mình đã thử và đã lấy đúng hình thumbnail khi share qua Linked-in hoặc Facebook

​Have you ever gone to post link of your website on Facebook, only to find that Facebook wasn't pulling in the latest version of that URL? 
The reason this happens is due to Facebook/Linkedin caching everything. This means that your changes won't immediately be picked up by Facebook or LinkedIn.

So, what's the solution?

Use the Facebook Debugger to clear Facebook's cache. This is how Facebook sees your link!
If you go to the debugger and drop in the URL you’re having trouble with, Facebook will actually reach out to your URL right then and grab the current content to display the debugger results. Doing this also clears Facebook’s cache of your page instantly. (sometimes you need to do it 2-3 times to get the latest updates.) 
After you link your URL, you can immediately go back and type your update in again, and the good stuff will show up. It’s that easy!

Still not working and have a custom domain?

If you are working with a custom domain, and Facebook is not recognizing your content, it is mostly likely because you have connected your domain incorrectly. You probably forward to 

To fix it, follow our custom domain connection tutorial! 


Clearing LinkedIn’s Link Sharing Preview Cache

1. Access the LinkedIn Post Inspector here. If the link doesn't work, copy this URL to yur browser:

2. Input your site URL and click on the "Inspect" button. The updated share image will be shown on the preview.

3. Try sharing your URL again on LinkedIn to see if it updated.


In case the post inspector doesn't work, you may clear the sharing preview cache by tricking LinkedIn into "thinking" that your page is a brand new page. You can do this by adding an invented variable to the link when you share your site on LinkedIn.


Original link: 

"New" link:

"?1" was added at the end of the site's URL. It will force the metadata to be recollected. Don't worry, it won't affect your webpage. 

In case you need assistance, shoot us a line at or chat with us.

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