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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ tháng 5 2, 2014



A .NET Developer Primer for Single-Page Applications theo http://msdn.microsoft.com/

Hình ảnh
A .NET Developer Primer for Single-Page Applications Long Le Download the Code Sample A majority of Microsoft .NET Framework developers have spent most of their professional lives on the server side, coding with C# or Visual Basic .NET when building Web applications. Of course, JavaScript has been used for simple things such as modal windows, validation, AJAX calls and so on. However, JavaScript (client-side code for the most part) has been leveraged as a utility language, and applications were largely driven from the server side. Lately there’s been a huge trend of Web application code migrating from the server side to the client side (browser) to meet users’ expectations for fluid and responsive UX. With this being the case, a lot of .NET developers (especially in the enterprise) are dealing with an extreme amount of anxiety about JavaScript best practices, architecture, unit testing, maintainability and the recent explosion of different kinds of JavaScript libraries. Part