Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ tháng 2 23, 2017

LETS CHAT APPLICATION USING SIGNALR IN MVC theo http://surajpassion.in/lets-chat-application-using-signalr-in-mvc/

Tham khảo:  http://surajpassion.in/lets-chat-application-using-signalr-in-mvc/

MVC 4 Chat room theo https://www.codeproject.com/articles/794147/mvc-chat-room

Hình ảnh
Download Sample Code - 10.4 MB Visit Online Demo Introduction This is an article about MVC and jQuery aimed at beginner to intermediate developers. It demonstrates how easy it is to implement a task for which ASP.NET prior to MVC and jQuery would be considered a bad choice. Flash and other similar technologies would be a better choice until recently but MVC and jQuery remove the complexity and error proneness of performing multiple AJAX operations and allow us to focus on the business requirements. A possible novelty in this example is the idea of implementing multiple Ajax operations by using a single hidden action link :  Hide     Copy Code @Ajax.ActionLink( " ActionLink" , " Index" , new { user = " " , logOn= " " ,logOff= " " ,chatMessage = " " }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = " RefreshArea" , OnSuccess = " ChatOnSuccess" , OnFailure = " ChatOnFailure" }, new { @id = "