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Retrieve paged lists from DAL theo codeutil.wordpress.com

Objective: Create an easy way to retrieve paged lists from the data access layer when using Entity Framework. Steps: Create an interface that defines a paged list:  IPagedList<T> . Create a class  PagedList<T>  that implements IPagedList<T>. Create a  Linq extension method  that can be applied to an Entity Framework query and returns a paged list. Optional:  If you are using the  repository pattern  you can use IPagedList<T> to return paged lists. Code  :) 1. Define an interface for the paged list. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 using System.Collections.Generic;   namespace Demo.Paging {      public interface IPagedList<T>      {          int PageSize { get ; }          int TotalNumberOfItems { get ; }          IList<T> CurrentPage { get ; }          int CurrentPageNumber { get ; }          int TotalNumberOfPages { get ; }             } } 2. Implement the class for t